Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Gain an understanding of Marx and apply the work of the theorist to a Essay

Gain an understanding of Marx and apply the work of the theorist to a contemporary issue - Essay Example The club represented the intellectual avant-garde as it took a leading part in the Young Hegelian movement (Blumenberg 33). Marx eventually became a journalist, the end of his life spent in London in poverty. His works were not well known during his own lifetime. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a German philosopher who was instrumental in the creation of the German Idealism. Dying in 1831, Hegel was part of the philosophical environment of the late 18th and early 19th century. Hegel developed theories about alienation but was confined to theorizing about alienation of consciousness. Marx was interested in Feuerbach who connected the theory to existence. Blumenberg (2000) quotes Marx as having said that Feuerbach â€Å"founded true materialism† by making â€Å"the social relationship of man to man the basic theory of his principle† and for having opposed Hegel’s mere â€Å"negation of the negation† with â€Å"the positive that has its own self for founda tion and basis† (58). In pursuing this area of inquiry, Marx developed his theories of revolution upon ’real humanism’ which â€Å"aims to overthrow capitalist society in order to realize the human essence† (Blumenberg 2000: 58). ... Feuerbach postulated that â€Å"it is anthropotheistic, the exclusive love of man for himself, the exclusive self-affirmation of the human-nature† (Churchich 1994: 260). The theory of alienation was explored as man alienates himself from his nature through the development of religion. Marx adapted this concept to his own theories of the proletariat. Intentions and Purposes Marx can be seen for his formation of the theory of a utopian society in which the true essence of being human can be revealed and lived. His calls for revolution are based upon a belief that the path on which commerce and industry was setting a course would be the end of true humanity. Marx posited his theories with the intention of condemning capitalism, an economic structure that he found to be damning to the human race. Marx intended to support his beliefs in Socialism; however, his work was not to be known during his own lifetime. Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts were not published until 1928, his o wn era not knowing much about his theories (Blumenberg 2000). Themes Most of what Marx is known for writing about is in terms of the role of the worker within a capitalist society. In his Theories of Alienation, Marx developed ideas about the nature of man, his need for understanding the purpose of his work and the intent. He discusses the way in which art is a natural part of the human experience, relating this human element to the way in which capitalism takes this from man in the industrialization of production as it is done for the purpose of providing profit to the owners. The interruption of management in the flow of gain from product creates another form of alienation in which the end benefit is not realized by the one who produces the product.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Nationalism And Sectionalism Essay Example for Free

Nationalism And Sectionalism Essay The Era of Good Feeling: The Effects and Consequences of Nationalism and Sectionalism In 1815, shortly before the start of James Monroe’s presidency and after the War of 1812, a historical period known as the â€Å"Era of Good Feeling† commenced in America. However, though the name of this age alone insinuated a time of unity and prosperity within the nation, sectionalism became an unequivocal dilemma that seeped through the government’s attempts in promoting nationalism, and ultimately divided the country. The Era of Good Feeling was a time where only one political party reigned, sense of unity prevailed, and national pride was evident within the citizens. This post ­war nationalism fueled the country to work towards a common goal, and even encouraged creation of traditions that would be passed down generations. The McCulloch v. Maryland case in 1819 exhibits government’s attempt in putting up a unified front to further promote nationalism. In this case, the Congress’ power is questioned when the ruling prevented states from outlawing or taxing the national bank, as Maryland tried to do. The document states, â€Å"The power of the general government, it has been said, are delegated by the states, who alone are truly sovereign† (Document 4). However, the outcome of the case only came to show that the federal government had more power compared to the state government, and thus portrayed a stronger, unified system. In Document 3, people are portrayed to be celebrating Independence Day on the fourth of July within the same year of the case. This depicts the effect that national pride had, bringing together multiple races, genders, social classes, and age groups to celebrate the country’s independence. Furthermore, this era also brought forth a fundamental period in Am erica known as the Industrial Revolution. This introduced market economy to the population and transitioned America to manufacturing processes that brought economic benefits to the north. Market economy not only changed the way people worked, but also the way they lived, as it divided labor, based work in factories, and opened new markets like the American Fur Company. Due to the prior Embargo Act, merchants also invested in national local manufacturing, and thus allowed for the rapid development of urban districts and increase in population. It brought wealth to the North’s market ­based economy but contradicted with the South’s focus on an agricultural economy that depended on slaves. One of the most significant developments within the country was introduced shortly after the War of 1812, by politician Henry Clay, as the American System. The plan promoted a system in which the South was seen to be the producer of raw goods, North for the manufacturing, while the West as the breadbasket of the country. It consisted of three parts: the development of canals, road systems and railroads, creation of a protective tariff, and the reinstating of the Bank of U.S.. The North prospered from the creation of the tariff as it helped develop the manufacturing economy. The West, on the other hand, benefitted from the creation of road and canal system, a plan supported by John C. Calhoun, in order to prevent disunion within the rapidly growing country, (Document 2). These developments in transportation allowed for easier distribution of goods, thus benefitting them as well. However, the protective tariff prevented the South’s economy from growing, thus leading to an evident economic gap between the North and the South, as the former’s economy started to boom due to the increase in manufacturing.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Film :: essays papers

Film Legalization: A Debate In the United States today, there is much controversy about the legalization of certain drugs. In a book written by Eliot Marshal entitled Legalization: A Debate, he talks about such circumstances. Not only does he just talk about the U.S., but the laws on drugs around the world. â€Å"Laws regulating drug use vary widely from country to country. In Malaysia, for example, substance abuse is a violation of religious law and drug trafficking is automatically punished by death. In Nepal, by contrast, the government not only tolerates the use of psychoactive substances but collects taxes on the drug trade. Policies concerning drug abuse in the United States lie somewhere between these two extremes and are constantly changing as evidence concerning the dangers and consequences of drug use accumulates.† In the book, the talk about Prohibition comes up. The author writes, â€Å"In time, Prohibition came to be seen not just as a failure but as a desperate and foolish mistake. Today, many people who oppose controls on â€Å"recreational† drugs - particularly controls on marijuana - cite Prohibition as evidence that it is futile to try to outlaw a popular intoxicant. The heart of this argument is that, even if it was desirable in theory, prohibition cannot be carried out in practice. People will find a way to get what they want, the argument goes, and outlawing a drug merely sends drug seekers into an illegal black market.† Another chapter in the book, which is discussed by the author, is Illicit Drugs as Medicine. The author talks about a man named Robert Randall. Robert Randall is a man who can just walk into a pharmacy and pick up a prescription that contains about 300 neatly packed marijuana cigarettes. He had taken this idea all the way to the court as being â€Å"marijuana therapy†. The marijuana is cultivated on a farm run by the federal government in Mississippi and processed under federal government. He had said that the marijuana eased the pain caused by his illness known as glaucoma. Glaucoma, is a progressive disease of the eye and optic disc that often results in blindness. Randall does not have to pay for the marijuana, because the government does not want to put itself in the awkward position of selling marijuana, an illegal activity. Marijuana has also been proven to help out other illnesses. For example, marijuana has been proven useful in preventing the nausea and vomiting com mon in cancer patients treated with strong chemicals and radiation.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Luxury Brand Engagement Research Write Up Essay

Brand Management is a function of marketing that uses techniques to increase the perceived value of a product line or brand over time. Effective brand management enables the price of products to go up and builds loyal customers through positive brand associations and images or a strong awareness of the brand. Developing a strategic plan to maintain brand equity or gain brand value requires a comprehensive understanding of the brand, its target market and the company’s overall vision. Brand engagement is a term loosely used to describe the process of forming an attachment (emotional and rational) between a person and a brand. It comprises one aspect of brand management. What makes the topic complex is that brand engagement is partly created by institutions and organizations, but is equally created by the perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours of those with whom these institutions and organizations are communicating or engaging with. Brand engagement between a brand and its consumers/potential consumers is a key objective of a brand marketing effort. In general, the ways a brand connects to its consumer is via a range of â€Å"touch points† — that is, a sequence or list of potential ways the brand makes contact with the individual. Examples include retail environments, advertising, word of mouth, online, and the product/service itself. It can be broadly classified into two areas- Internal and external. Internal refers to the company’s employees, franchisees, etc while external refers to the end consumers. All the consumer behavioural factors like attitudes, beliefs, society, culture and trends are studied and form an interesting part of the study unlike many other areas of research. All these factors are psychological yet emotional and drive consumer behaviour towards brands ultimately leading to sales and higher revenues. Getting there requires convincing less conscious consumers that they can have their cake and eat it too (drive positive change and indulge their needs), and teaching them to choice-edit for the most personal, planetary and societal impact. Customer involvement starts from the personal basic perspectives of goals, values, and self-awareness. Depending on the relevance of these to individuals, they are reflected in decision-making behaviours. Different product attributes cause different degrees of involvement in consumer minds. These differences of involvement result in differences when consumers make purchase decisions. Therefore, when consumers perform consuming behaviours, the extent of their involvement affects purchase intention and this is only reflected when a deeper understanding of their psychological and emotional factors is attained. It relates at an emotional level and ensures long term sustainability, revenue and growth for the brand. One of the most significant sectors where brand management plays an even more important role is Luxury. Luxury as a concept is defined within the scope of socio-psychology as a result of its connection to a culture, state of being and lifestyle, whether it is personal or collective. When linked to brands, it is characterised by a recognisable style, strong identity, high awareness, and enhanced emotional and symbolic associations. It evokes uniqueness and exclusivity, and is interpreted in products through high quality, controlled distribution and premium pricing. These core factors have led to the development of a $180 billion global industry with an uninterrupted growth for over two decades. These elements have also led to the summarisation of luxury as a ‘dream’, leading to justifiable curiosity and interest. Luxury good manufacturers offer high quality products at higher prices. At times, the quality of the actual product may not actually be very different from the low cost one, however, the brand value attached to it is high. It is for this reason that the branded product still sells at a higher price. The customer, though buys the product, actually pays for the brand. He pays for the emotional/ psychological/ physiological need that he has been able to satiate through this purchase. Also, it is worth noting that building a luxury brand can be a very tough task. It has to have the right value of consumer behavioural/ attitudinal compatibility mix for it to achieve its purpose owing to the high costs. Brand Managers for luxury products cannot over advertise their product (devalues the image) and not under advertise their product (loss in enquiries/ revenue). This interesting amalgamation of business drivers and human behaviour forms a motivating and challenging topic for research studies. Brand value measures the economic asset value of a company or product brand. It details how much of the company’s operating income and free cash flow is derived from the brand, the influence of the brand within each consumer purchase decision driver, and the associated brand risks. By linking the brand to the economics of the business at a detailed level, brand value opens the door to a number of useful applications like proving that branding offers real value, justify a proposed marketing budget, align the commercial organization, evaluate acquisition opportunities, optimal royalty rate, optimize the brand relationship to best tell the brand story, focus investments, drive higher prices, leverage brand value to lower taxes, reduce turnover and quantify the damage. It is very intriguing when we look at the financial output of the brands, grouping the companies into two categories of highly and least engaged in brand engagement. The companies who were highly engaged grew on an average of 18% in revenues over the last 12 months, compared to the least engaged companies who on average saw a decline of 6% in revenue during the same period. The same holds true for two other financial metrics, gross margin and net profit. Interbrand was recently involved in brand valuation with respect to business and the approach used is as follows:Snapshots of couple of models or indexed used has by different organizations to measure brand engagement has given under the research design section. Consumer buying behavior has changed a tremendously over the last decade and below is the Worldwide Personal Luxury Goods Market Trend (this has been discussed in detail in the industry literature review at the end) to illustrate the fact:Third year in a row of double-digit growth for the personal luxury goods market: over the 200â‚ ¬B threshold! There are various challenges that brands face over the course of their engagement tactics. The brand’s core thought or value should be in sync with the target audience. If it’s not, then there is no engagement at an emotional level. For a consumer to be engaged with the brand, he has to continuously be bombarded with the brand’s advertising or communication through various mediums. This process is very costly to the organisation as it involves various media channels and every channel (print, digital, TV, etc) has its own rate structure. The competition in every industry has further caused problems for any brand to create its importance. The consumer mind space is cluttered with messages from different brands making it even more difficult for a particular brand to register itself. Even if a consumer gets engaged, there’s no specific tool to measure the impact of the engagement on the final sales/ profits of the brand. The huge costs therefore become difficult to justify. Competition is fierce in developed economies and consumers are bombarded with offers, many of which are very similar. In such a setting, differentiation is vital and academic research has revealed that brands can build sustainable competitive advantage by increasing customer loyalty and fostering personal recommendation. However, to achieve such a sustainable competitive advantage, brands need to go beyond their traditional focus on communication and advertising and become the key to integrated client experience management. In such a scenario, it becomes even more important to build a brand that is strong in its values. It involves designing campaigns to generate intention to purchase and top of the mind awareness, various metrics to measure the effectiveness of brand campaigns, retuning parameters, redesigning the campaign and measuring the metrics again till the time the campaign reaches its desired GRPs (gross rating points). A very interesting real life example of how a brand faces a situation when it’s present engagement measures don’t work and it has to continuously make new efforts to ensure engagement with consumers is illustrated in a research paper titled ‘Luxury Brand Exclusivity Strategies’ which can be visited through this link – URL: http://dx. oi. org/10. 5430/jbar. v1n1p106. It examines how luxury fashion brands renew themselves in order to balance the exclusivity that is associated with luxury goods and with profit maximization. Using consumers’ demand theory it is shown how luxury fashion brands go through different phases to renew the perce ption of exclusivity.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Day in the Life of Brent Dorsey

1. What alternatives are available to Brent in regards to the audit of payables? What are the pros and cons of each alternative? a. One alternative that Brent go do is ask the accountant from Northwest Steel Producers to pull the needed invoices and have them ready in a reasonable time period for review. By doing this it would save Brent time from searching for specific invoices and leave him more time to focus on other audit issues. b. Brent could do as subjected and only pull a minimum amount and take the change of being caught.The pros of this would be that Brent would be able to complete the accounts payable a little sooner but the cons would be that the audit would not be complete and the audit report could have the possibility of not be accurate. I would not recommend this alternative. c. Brent could audit all the payables as required and follow the AICPA regulations. The pros would be that Brent has not violated any regulations and would maintain his job and maintained his eth ical responsibilities. The cons would be that Brent would have to work harder and spend more time working and less time with his wife. . What consequences for Brent, the auditing firm, and others involved, may arise from â€Å"eating time,† as Scott suggested? Similarly, what consequences for Brent, the auditing firm, and others involved, may arise from not completing audit procedures, as Megan suggested? The consequences from â€Å"eating time† as Scott suggested would cause production reports to be incorrect and also would suggest that in the future the CPA firm could possibly perform the audit on a tighter schedule next year.Now if Brent was to follow Megan’s suggestion the auditing firm would not be providing the audit review that is expected and the audit report would be considered incomplete. 3. In your opinion, which of Brent’s alternative courses of action would provide the best outcome and why? What should Brent do? How would you handle the ethic al issues involved in this situation? I feel that Brent’s alternative course of action of calling it a night now and going home and spending time with his wife then getting up early in the morning and going at it again would be the best choice of action based on the alternatives that have been presented.The ethical issues involved in this situation is to not perform the audit under expectations because he is unhappy on the choices he has been given and the choice that has been made. 4. What could John Peters and the other auditors do to better handle the demands of career and family life? John Peters and the other auditors could hire some other associates to provide assistance in the audits which would relieve some of the demands of career and leave more time with family life.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Definition and Examples of Janus Words in English

Definition and Examples of Janus Words in English Janus word is a word (such as cleave) having opposite or contradictory meanings depending on the context in which the word is used. Also called antilogy, contronym, contranym, autantonym, auto-antonym, and contradictanyma. Examples and Observations To weather can mean to endure or to erode.Sanction can mean to allow or to prohibit.Fix can mean a solution (as in find a quick fix) or a problem (left us in a fix).Clip can mean to separate (as in clip the coupon from the paper) or to join (as in clip the answer sheets together).Left as a verb in the past tense means to have gone; as an adjective, it means remaining.Wear can mean to last under use or to erode under use.Buckle can mean to fasten or to bend and then break.The verb bolt can mean to secure, lock or to start suddenly and run away.Screen can mean to conceal or to show.Fast can mean moving quickly (as in running fast) or not moving (as in stuck fast). The Verb Table in British English and American English In British English, when you table a document, you add it to the agenda for a meeting, usually by placing copies on the table at the beginning of the meeting because it was not ready in time to be sent out. In American English, however, when you table a document, you remove it indefinitely from the agenda. Writers on both sides of the Atlantic should be aware of this possible source of confusion.(R.L. Trask, Mind the Gaffe! Harper, 2006) Literally [T]his usage of literally [to mean figuratively] . . . is not the first, nor will it be the last, instance of a word that is used in a seemingly contradictory way. There are many such words, and they arise through various means. Called Janus words, contranyms, or auto-antonyms, they include cleave (to stick to and to split apart) . . . and peruse and scan (each meaning both to read closely and to glance at hastily; skim). Usage writers often criticize such words as potentially confusing and usually single out one of the meanings as wrong, the right meaning being the older one, or the one closer to the words etymological meaning, or the one more frequent when 18th-century grammarians began to examine language systematically.  (Jesse Sheidlower, The Word We Love to Hate. Slate, Nov. 1, 2005) Factoid [Factoid is a] term created by Norman Mailer in 1973 for a piece of information that becomes accepted as a fact, although it is not actually true; or an invented fact believed to be true because it appears in print. Mailer wrote in Marilyn: Factoids . . . that is, facts which have no existence before appearing in a magazine or newspaper, creations which are not so much lies as a product to manipulate emotion in the Silent Majority. Lately, factoid has come to mean a trivial fact. That usage makes it a contranym (also called a Janus word) in that it means both one thing and its opposite . . ..(Paul Dickson, How Authors From Dickens to Dr. Seuss Invented the Words We Use Every Day. The Guardian, June 17, 2014) Schizophrenic Words Best and worst both mean to defeat. Cleave means both to cling to and to split apart. Fast means both speedy and immobilized (as well as several other things). Dress means to put on apparel, as a person does, or to take it off, as is done to a chicken. And while you are reflecting on such oddities, you may as well know that bleach means also blacking; bluefish also greenfish; bosom also depression; emancipate also to enslave; and help also to hinder.​(Willard R. Espy, The Garden of Eloquence: A Rhetorical Bestiary. Harper Row, 1983)

Monday, October 21, 2019

Ted Cruzs Net Worth

Ted Cruzs Net Worth Ted Cruzs net worth is about $3.6 million, according to an analysis of the personal financial disclosures he has filed with the U.S. Senate. The Republican from Texas, who aspires to be president of the United States, lists more than 30 assets that, combined, are worth at least $2.2 million and as much as $4.9 million. It is difficult to provide an exact value for Ted Cruzs net worth because members of the Senate are required only to disclose estimates of their holdings. The $3.6 million figure represents an average of minimum and maximum values of his assets in 2016. Though Cruzs net worth well exceeds  the $69,000 net worth of the average American household in the United States, it by no means makes him the wealthiest member  of Congress. A  Center for Responsive Politics analysis  ranked Cruz 41th wealthiest among the U.S. Senates 100 members in 2015. Cruz was ranked 144th among all members of the House and Senate who filed personal financial disclosures for the 2013 calendar year, according to Roll Call.   Among Cruzs earnings in 2016 was advance from book publisher HarperCollins for more than $271,000, according to his personal financial disclosure form for that year, which is publicly available through the U.S. Senate. Cruzs Net Worth Becomes a Campaign Issue Cruzs net worth  became the subject of discussion during his 2012 campaign for U.S. Senate when he and his wife, Heidi, dropped their entire savings of $1.2 million into that election.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Sweetheart, I’d like us to liquidate our entire net worth, liquid net worth, and put it into the campaign,† Cruz said, recounting his conversation for The New York Times in October 2013.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"What astonished me, then and now, was Heidi within 60 seconds said, ‘Absolutely,’ with no hesitation. Despite his status as a millionaire and his position in the wealthiest top-third of Congress, Cruz has been a vocal critic of growing gap between the richest and poorest Americans and bemoaned the fall of the middle class. Responding to Obamas State of the Union speech in 2015, he said: The facts are were facing right now a divided America when it comes to the economy. Its true that the top one percent are doing great under Barack Obama. Today, the top one percent earn a higher share of our national income than any year since 1928. The sad reality is, with big government, under the Obama administration, the rich and powerful, those who walked the corridor of power in the Obama administration have gotten fat and happy. But working men and women across this country, we have the lowest labor force participation since 1978 the reason the unemployment rate keeps falling is millions of people keep dropping out of the work force all together. Comparison to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama Cruz sought the Republican presidential nomination in 2016. His net worth paled in comparison to that of reported billionaire Donald Trump, who ultimately won the nomination and the presidency. Cruz was also worth less than former U.S. Sen. and  onetime Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. At the time,  Clinton was is worth at least $5.2 million and as much as $25.5 million, according to personal financial disclosures she filed in 2012.   Cruz Made Money As a Private Practice and Government Lawyer Before Cruz entered the  Senate in 2013 he served in statewide office in Texas, as solicitor general. He served in that capacity from 2003 until May of 2008. During  that time he also  taught U.S. Supreme Court Litigation as an adjunct law professor of Law at the University of Texas School of Law. From 2001 to 2003, Cruz worked as the director of the Office of Policy Planning at the Federal Trade Commission and  as and associate deputy attorney general at the U.S. Department of Justice. He was in private practice before that.Cruzs wife is a managing director at the investment firm Goldman Sachs. Ted Cruzs Salary and Investments As a member of the U.S. Senate, Cruz is paid a base salary of $174,000. He is invested heavily in the oil and gas industries, and holds dozens of other securities and investments, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Stag Beetles, Family Lucanidae

Stag Beetles, Family Lucanidae Stag beetles are some of the biggest, worst bugs on the planet (at least they look bad!). These beetles are so named for their antler-like mandibles. In Japan, enthusiasts collect and rear stag beetles, and even stage battles between the males. Description Stag beetles (family Lucanidae) do get quite large, which is why they are so popular with beetle collectors. In North America, the largest species measures just over 2 inches, but tropical stag beetles can easily top 3 inches. These sexually dimorphic beetles also go by the name pinch bugs. Male stag beetles sport impressive mandibles, sometimes as long as half their body, which they use to spar with competing males in battles over territory. Though they may look threatening, you dont need to fear these enormous beetles. Theyre generally harmless but may give you a good nip if you try to handle them carelessly. Stag beetles are typically reddish-brown to black in color. Beetles in the family Lucanidae possess antennae with 10 segments, with the end segments often enlarged and appearing clubbed. Many, but not all, have elbowed antennae as well.​ Classification Kingdom – Animalia Phylum – Arthropoda Class – Insecta Order – Coleoptera Family - Lucanidae Diet Stag beetle larvae are important decomposers of wood. They live in dead or decaying logs and stumps. Adult stag beetles may feed on leaves, sap, or even honeydew from aphids. Life Cycle Like all beetles, stag beetles undergo complete metamorphosis with four stages of development: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Females usually lay their eggs under the bark on fallen, rotting logs. The white, c-shaped stag beetle larvae develop over one or more years. Adults emerge in late spring or early summer in most areas. Special Adaptations and Defenses Stag beetles will use their impressive size and massive mandibles to defend themselves if needed. When it feels threatened, a male stag beetle may lift its head and open its mandibles, as if to say, Go ahead, try me. In many parts of the world, stag beetle numbers have declined due to forest defragmentation and the removal of dead trees in populated areas. Your best chance of seeing one may be observing one near your porch light on a summer evening. Stag beetles do come to artificial light sources, including light traps. Range and Distribution: Worldwide, stag beetles number around 800 species. Just 24-30 species of stag beetles inhabit mostly forested areas of North America. The largest species live in tropical habitats. Sources Borror and Delongs Introduction to the Study of Insects, 7th Edition, by Charles A. Triplehorn and Norman F. JohnsonInsects: Their Natural History and Diversity, by Stephen A. MarshallStag Beetles of Kentucky, University of Kentucky Entomology Department

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Do we send too many people to prison Term Paper

Do we send too many people to prison - Term Paper Example s probably the most effective way of keeping the streets free of dangerous criminals, but locking up too many prisoners makes each extra prisoner lesser and lesser dangerous. There are certainly several benefits as well as certain losses associated with the practice of putting too many people in prison. Owing to the sensitivity and complexity of the matter, there is dire need to evaluate the benefits and losses and reach at the optimal decision. This paper discusses different aspects of imprisonment in the US and concludes that there is a need of reducing the number of people that are sent to prison in the US. People in the US are imprisoned for all kinds of reasons that include but are not limited to violation of the immigration rules, and criminal penalties. The trend of sending too many people to prison in the US has resulted into prisons being packed with petty thieves along with serious criminals and rapists. Many of the imprisoned drug dealers were scary in their youth and over the time, have become too miserable to cause the society any kind of risk. In 2010, the number of prisoners in the US over 50 years of age was about 200,000 which in 1970 was the amount of prisoners belonging to all age groups in the US (â€Å"America locks up†). This provides evidence for the congestion of people belonging to all age groups in the jails in US. â€Å"It seems odd that a country that rejoices in limiting the power of the state should give so many draconian powers to its government, yet for the past 40 years American lawmakers have generally regarded selling to voters the idea of lockin g up fewer people as political suicide† (â€Å"America locks up†). The growing number of imprisoned people in the US is a huge burden on the shoulders of the government as it is for the government to provide them with all kinds of resources that they need. Every individual who is imprisoned is a load on the government because instead of playing his/her constructive role in the building of


ESTABLISHING A REGIONAL DISTRIBUTION CENTRE IN THE UAE - Assignment Example Even if they do not have their own fleet available to them, they should be able to hire other transportation companies to do the jobs for them. Our logistic distribution center must be able to provide inbound and outbound traffic control, the route optimization services, delivery using multiple mechanisms of transport and payment services. There are in fact various business intelligence tools that come into play when we are dealing with the transportation management. When we are considering other factors for our choice of company for the regional distribution center, we need to evaluate the performance of the candidate company based on, on time delivery, cost adherence to supplier’s adherence. Selecting the best carrier for the project would be an efficient choice. When we are analyzing, we need to consider the factor of supply compliance analysis. It has often been observed in the supply chain management that the goods are sometimes delayed. They are not delivered on time. And sometimes they get delivered or shipped more than the expected amount. There can be different factors that can contribute to that operation such as customs and tax evasions. The point in evaluating the logistic support must take into consideration the leverage that the company offers. There needs to be flexibility in the company to cater for the contingencies. The factor being considered here is that the performance of the logistic company should have an inspiring history. Where this will help in different aspects of the business, it will help in developing the long term career relationships. Which are more useful o us than to them as we will be the one looking for some regional personnel who could provide services. The importance of this factor cannot be overemphasized. We need to calculate the time span between the placement of order and the actual shipment of delivery. Again, this factor will be thoroughly analyzed for the new logistic company. The cycle time analysis will

Friday, October 18, 2019

Gun Control in the US Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Gun Control in the US - Research Paper Example Between the years 1997 and 2001, there were more than 30 such incidents that took place in schools, offices, and various other places, all over US, which resulted in the deaths of 139 people and another 188 being wounded. However, it was after the Columbine High School incident, public outrage reached its peak and there was a mass outcry to bring in stringent laws for gun control. After the initial outpour of rage and massive protests against the National Rifle Association (the champion of liberal gun usage in US), things have drifted back to their original conditions. In June 2010 we find a disturbing piece of news that tells us â€Å"The US Supreme Court found Monday a Chicago handgun ban to be unconstitutional in a far-reaching ruling that makes it much harder for states and city governments to limit gun ownership† (Ogle, US Supreme Court limits gun control by states). So again its status quo and we are back to where we had started, with the court giving a free hand to all potential killers. This article will take an in-depth look at this issue of gun control and the related controversies in US. It will explore as to why US have more gun violence than other countries, and will suggest measures to reduce this peril. From various studies and reports it has been seen that almost 40% of US homes have some sort of guns or fire ammunitions in their possession. Krug, Powell and Dahlberg in their research papers have come to the conclusion that the homicide rates in the American countries is almost 2-10 times higher than any other country in the developed world (Krug, Powell and Dahlberg, 214-221). There is no doubt that violence in some form or the other is present in almost all countries worldwide, but what increases the death rate in US is the rampant presence of guns. This relation between easy availability of guns in US and the high mortality rate has been proven in their research work by the famous

What are the advantages and the disadvantages of Unions Essay

What are the advantages and the disadvantages of Unions - Essay Example Trade unions as explained earlier is when a group of workers of an organization get together and using their leadership skills, bargain with the employers on behalf of the union members. This bargaining ideally is for wages, working hours, working conditions or any issue that an employee faces at the workplace. These unions also discuss and negotiate the labor contracts. Labor contract refer to the contracts that an employer and one or more unions. Here the unions get together and together decide about the various work issues related to pay, working environment, work rules, hiring, firing, promotions etc (Ledwith, 2007). Trade unions are normally comprised of the workers, ex workers, and professionals. They also include the unemployed in a few cases. They work with an aim of improving the conditions of their employment. The trade unions work to provide benefits to members of the union. It also looks into matters where employees can receive benefits against unemployment, old age, funeral expenses etc. Also as mentioned they work on the basis of collective bargaining. Trade unions are generally the ones that can enforce strikes within the organizations and can also be the only ones who can resist lockouts by the management. These unions can also promote legislation favorable to the members of the union. They can also be a part of conducting campaigns, lobbying, or even provision of financial support for parties or even individual candidates. They play a very important role and are one of the strongest unions. These unions have the power to make or break companies (Miller and Mulvey, 2007). a) Firstly, trade unions ensure that employees are given the dignity, rights and respect at all times. This is a very important aspect and needs to be taken into consideration at all times. The existence of unions allows the employees to be treated respectfully and any misbehavior from the management could cost the company a fortune.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Memo 1-follow intructions below Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Memo 1-follow intructions below - Case Study Example According to an email sent, there were examples of adjustments made as a result of budget cut. It is better to understand these adjustments were not done intentionally but as a result of drastic change in Budget cost. Lake Clarke National Park offers services which everyone would look forward to enjoy. The mail was not written without the right consent. The relevant individuals had tried all they could squeeze the park’s budget in the new reduced budget. It is at times impossible to shift to a new budget line. Low service-adjustment caused by changes in reduced Budget cost can close down the company’s operations. Lake Clarke National Park was forced to lower some services it offered to its customers. Poor financial situation of the park led to changes in services it offered. My intention is to make the park’s customers understand the financial position of it. The mail used had good means to reach the

The UK Mobile Phone Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The UK Mobile Phone Business - Essay Example This is so because success is based on an organisation's ability to create, rather than predict the future by developing those products that will literally transform the way the world thinks and view it self and the needs (Kanter 1995:71). Within the context of today's global competition, businesses and firms no-longer compete as individual companies but try to corporate with other businesses in their activities (Wu & Chien 2007:2). These researchers went further to argue that, this strategy has become quite common in many businesses including the retail clothing chain stores. The conventional vertical integrated company based business model is gradually being replaced by collaborative relationship between many fragmented, but complementary and specialized value stars and constellation (Wu & Chien:1). This paper aim at examining the changing external environment of businesses. The paper how ever focueses on United Kingdom Mobile phone industry. Using certain analytical techniques such as the PESTLE model the paper examines five environmental change drivers. These include, Economic factors, political factors, Technological and socio cultural. However, attention will be based on three of these factors. According to Johnson et al ... 2.0 The UK Mobile phone external business Environment LAYOUT OF THE PESTEL FRAMEWORK According to Johnson et al (2005), the PESTEL framework can only be used to look at the future impact of environmental factors and that this impact might be different from the past. Thus an understanding of how the factors in the above framework may drive change is only a starting point (Johnson et al 2005).There is a need for an understanding of the key change drivers. From the PESTLE framework outline above, the UK mobile phone industry like any other industry in the UK is affected by all the factors outlined in the framework. However, because this paper requires us to focus on four stories, these three factors are examined below. 2.2 Economic Factors All the economic factors can be regarded to have an impact on the UK mobile phone industry. For example, high unemployment rate, high inflation rates, low GNP trends and slumps in the business cycle will imply low disposable income, more dependence by the citizens on credit facilities, borrowed funds and thus alternative sources of finance. The US dollars is currently increasing at an increasing rate when compared to the British pounds, this will mean an increase in the currency exposure. Transaction and translation cost will be high in the UK, value of credit facilities if granted in UK pounds will fall. The value of mobile phones operator's assets in the US will increase when doing reporting in the parent company currency, the British pounds. What is the income distribution What are the shopping habits, what is it that other mobile operators offer that, others don't The future budget situation of the UK government Is the government striving at a surplus, deficit,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Memo 1-follow intructions below Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Memo 1-follow intructions below - Case Study Example According to an email sent, there were examples of adjustments made as a result of budget cut. It is better to understand these adjustments were not done intentionally but as a result of drastic change in Budget cost. Lake Clarke National Park offers services which everyone would look forward to enjoy. The mail was not written without the right consent. The relevant individuals had tried all they could squeeze the park’s budget in the new reduced budget. It is at times impossible to shift to a new budget line. Low service-adjustment caused by changes in reduced Budget cost can close down the company’s operations. Lake Clarke National Park was forced to lower some services it offered to its customers. Poor financial situation of the park led to changes in services it offered. My intention is to make the park’s customers understand the financial position of it. The mail used had good means to reach the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Investment between China and Africa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Investment between China and Africa - Essay Example The researcher states that many studies have shown that China is currently the major destination of foreign direct investment from many parts of the world. However, Chinese have also been aggressive in making investments in other foreign countries with African region being their major target. Just like many other developed countries, China has been engaged in a vicious competition with other countries like the USA and other developed European countries like the United Kingdom in the scramble for resources in Africa. This has been attributed by the fact that Africa is currently the leading continent with so much untapped potential that includes unexploited natural resources and availability of abundant business opportunities resulting from the undeveloped nature of most of its countries. This has made governments of various states apply different strategies in order to have at least a significant pie in these developing economies, one being creating good relationships. China is one of the giant economies in the world today has been applying all means possible in luring African countries to enter into treaties and good business relations, a factor that has made some of the major Chinese companies establish their operations in Africa. Some studies have shown that China is the leading bilateral trade partner with Africa, a two-way trade that has dramatically been growing in the past two decades through the major growth has experienced in the last one decade. In the year 2011, the bilateral trade between China and Africa is estimated to be over US$166 billion from US$10.6 billion in the year 2000. This growth can only be termed as incredible and is likely to grow at an even higher rate in the coming years.

Monday, October 14, 2019

A Visit to the Animal Kingdom in Florida Essay Example for Free

A Visit to the Animal Kingdom in Florida Essay English Reflective Essay Florida is portrayed as a fantasy land where Mickey Mouse greets you around every corner and where Cinderella actually lives, where days go by without a single drop of rain and the sky is consistently perfectly blue. However this was the farthest thing from my mind as I sat in an immense carbon-emmiting monster whose air conditioning has spluttered and died and while the heavens poured the air was so thick and mucky that flies were sticking to the windshield as we drove, only to be washed away by the drowning rain. As this was happening, my dad who was yet to figure out his left from his right had the near-miracle task of finding our hotel. Which was almost impossible because visibility was limited to about a yard and that requires great concentration, which was hard to find after the fiasco at the airport. Day 2 To my great excitement, Animal Kingdom was our first theme park, rather disappointing though what was hyped up to be a splendour of animal based excitement turned out to be a zoo with the odd thrill. However my memory of the first day was largely marred by Dad; with his new and shiny American muscle car; forgot that when all four doors were shut the lock system was activated. All hell broke lose! With my mum muttering and rambling nonchalantly and quietly with the odd distinguishable, God.. men and my dad, the man of the household and the decisive being, who was spouting all sorts of obscenities and was spanking the car,lightly so no damage was done but gave the impression that somehow it was the cars fault, it was up to me (seeming the only level headed member of the family) to aqcuire the basic survival needs such as food and water. With out park tickets being used for the day there was no way of buying fresh water. Giving up on the task of survival and surrending to the fate of the great over-powering Florida sunshine that was gobbling up every ounce of liquid, I went to a little ledge at the very far side of the car park and with ironic timing the edge of my eye caught sight of a little pool. And just like an oasis in the middle of the Sahara desert the temptation to drink from this minor miracle was extreme. As I squatted and stared while heavily drooling with my mouth arid there was a conflict of conscience apparent in my head. The good side was reciting the well known fact that one of the locals had stated, In every pool of water in Florida there is an alligator. The other evil side accompanied by my sailva and most major organs, was willing to tempt fate yet my good conscience claimed noble victory and I was left to dessicate. And looking back on it, it was probably a wise decision, however the journey back to the apartment was like a front row seat between Mohammed Ali and Mike Tyson.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Why The Berlin Wall Was Assembled Essay

Why The Berlin Wall Was Assembled Essay To fully understand why The Berlin Wall was assembled, one must know of the events that took place. This wall for 28 years separated families, friends and a nation. Perhaps the major reasons it was assembled were for political and economical issues. Politically, the West side was interfering with the Russian Sector (East side). Economically, all of the citizens from East Germany were getting well educated there and moved to West Berlin for work. In this paper, I will explain the events and circumstances that led to the construction of the Berlin Wall. After the World War II in 1945, the Nazi Germany surrendered, the 4 allied countries, the United States, Great Britain, France and Russia signed the Potsdam Agreement treaty which determined the borders for Germany and Berlin. The Potsdam Agreement divided Germany and Berlin into four administrative zones. The United States, Great Britain and France combined to control three divisions in the Western half of Germany and Berlin, which eventually united to make a federal republic and made the three divided parts West Germany (Berlin 2002). The Eastern portion of Germany and Berlin were controlled by the Russia/Soviet Republic, later to become communist and made East Berlin the capital of East Germany (Tusa 1997). After the division, the economics of daily living was more acute in East Germany than in West Germany. Many suffered under repressions of the Communist party because of a communist system. Like the Soviet Union, the economy was struggling to get back on their feet after the war. It was said that East Germany was much like a Mini Moscow (Tusa 1997). The stores were literally empty and what good they did have were not of good quality. There were shortages of housing, food and health care. The economic of daily living in the West was much better. The economy was a lively urban area much like American cities. This is partially because West Germany and West Berlin were able to get from the United States through the Marshall Plan. (Grathwol 1994). Initially the division between East and West Berlin were uncertain because there was nothing to divide the city. For over ten year after the official separation, East Berlin saw a major emigration of East Germans who were unhappy with the communist system. With nothing to physically separate the East from the West, emigration was from totalitarianism to democracy was as easy as changing classrooms. The Soviet Union went against their promise to the people of East Germany and turned the country to Communist country. This decision separated East Germany even more from the rest of Europe. By the summer of 1952, East Germany was by it self and the border between East and West Germany was closed. Only the border in Berlin was open. (Berlin 2002) Most of the residents of East Berlin and East Germany did not like the communist regime. In fact, most people were not communists. On June 17, 1953, the people of East Germany became dissatisfied with the economic and political conditions of the German Democratic Republic (GDR). And started a riot and marched through the Brandenburg Gate into West Germany. Their intensions were to be combined with the workers of West Germany. To break up the riot, the Soviet Union called in tanks and troops that shot into the crowd on both sides killing or injuring many of them. Realizing that they were trapped and if they wanted to escape East Germany, they would have to risk their lives. It is estimated that by each day 8,000 to 10,000 people left East Germany to escape further west (Taylor 2007). This damaged the creditability and the workforce of the German Democratic Republic. For most of the emigrants under the age of sixty between 1949 and 1961, the legal process for lawful emigration was leng thy and difficult. This successfully in discouraged the young people from leaving the country. Since the elderly had no big role in the growth of the Communist State, emigration for them was fairly easy. To put an end to emigration, it was proposed to build a high wall. This idea later became The Berlin Wall. Winston Churchill would later name this barrier the Iron Curtain. The Berlin Wall was built on August 13, 1961. The German Communist leader under the command of Stalin, Walter Ulbricht organized the construction of a large wall to be built in order to restrain illegal emigration from the East to the West (Taylor 2007). On August 13, 1961, the Soviet premier at that time, Nikita Khrushchev, ordered the Berlin wall built to stop the flow of refugees. (Berlin 2002) In 24 hours, the streets of Berlin were ripped up; barricades of paving stones were erected; tanks were gathered at crucial places and subways and local railway services were interrupted, so that within a day the West of Berlin was completely sealed off from the East (Grathwol 1994). There were many escape tunnels dug under the wall. The tunnel system was dug by hundreds of East Berlin students unexpectedly. The first successful tunnel was in an East Berlin Graveyard and the largest tunnel was found in the basement of a home at number sixty Wernerstrasse. Twenty nine people were freed from this location. That same day citizens of East Berlin and 60,000 commuters were no longer allowed to enter the West side of the city. The GDR claimed that the barricade had been raised to prevent a third world war. On August 23, 1961, GDR ordered all subways, railroads and telephone lines going into West Berlin to be stopped (Bowman 1998). The citizens of East Berlin were no longer allowed to enter West Berlin, including the sixty-thousand workers who worked in West Berlin. However East Berliners still managed to get out through bribery, cigarettes and money. After some people still managed to scale the wall, there was a ban on the sale of rope and twine. On September 20, 1961, to begin construction on the second more permanent concrete wall, the GDR demolished all of the houses near the wall. The Berlin Wall consisted of 67 miles of concrete segment wall which was four meters high, 42 miles of wire mesh fencing, 65 miles of anti-vehicle trenches, 79 miles of signal fence, 302 watchtowers, and 20 bunkers. (Taylor 2007). There behind all of that was a second wall which was called no mans land or death strip. It cut off one hundred-ninety two streets (Taylor 2007). This area made it easy to spot footprints because of the raked gravel; was mined and booby-trapped with tripwires and it offered a clear field of fire to the armed guards who were instructed to shoot on sight. The main crossing point for the American sector of West Berlin was at checkpoint Charley which was six hundred-eighty feet west of the Brandenburg Gate. On October 27, 1961, the United States sent tanks; jeeps and soldiers to Checkpoint to guarantee entrance of US offic ials to West Berlin (Berlin 2002). The wall divided Berlin through the center and the outer part of the city and on the border between West and East Germany, from the Baltic Sea southward through the center of Germany all the way to Hildburghausen. From there it went east toward the border of Czechoslovakia (Taylor 2007). While the wall was being constructed, the United States was opposed to the establishment of the Wall. President John F. Kennedy was crucial to the cause, declaring his commitment with the infamous words: As a free man, I take pride in the words Ich bin ein Berliner (I am a Berliner) (Taylor 2007). At the verge of a nuclear war, the United States and the Soviet Union reached a conclusion, but the Berlin Wall remained but by the mid 80s the relationship between the East and West Germany began to transform. The end of the German Democratic Republic and the Berlin Wall began when Hungary opened its doors to the west. Passage between Communist states was unrestricted; therefore, East Germans could go from East Germany to Hungary and from there to West Germany or any other Western European state. East Germany began to reform. Gunter Schakowsky, the leader of the East Berlin communist party announced on November 9, 1989 that the border to West Berlin would be opened for private trips out of the country. Shortly after his announcement, citizens began hammering and using chisels to knock out pieces of the wall. The Wall had fallen (Taylor 2007). Between November 10, 1989 and later on December 22, 1989 checkpoints were opened for pedestrians at Potsdamer Platz and the Brandenburg Gate. Finally on July 1, 1990 East and West Germany were united and assumed West Germanys old name, The Federal Republic of Germany. All restrictions between East Germany and West Germany were released. The entire wall was taken down (Berlin 2002). In conclusion, the Berlin Wall was erected for political, economical, as a way for the Soviet Union to maintain their communist system and prevent brain drain in East German. These tactics did not improve the situation for East German as the people did not like the communist regime and still found ways to escape. While the erection of The Berlin Wall did not prove to be successful for the Soviet Union; the fall of the wall reunited families, friends and a divided nation back together.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Importance of Focus in the Business World Essay -- Business Admini

Let’s say in today’s competitive surroundings, marketers are attracting more global dynamic, and consumer determined. Consumers are requesting more choice, with enhanced worth and service According to Treasy and Wiesema (1995) page 68, companies will do well to consider four market disciples. There are four fundamental service theory based upon levels of focus (market focused, service focused, market and service focused and lastly unfocused. This is where focussed service operation comes in. in this essay going to define and talk about focused service operations , and point up how the aim can be practical to get enhanced understanding and also on how to improve performance in service operations. I will also talk about customer Retention and Intermediaries. When we say focus what does it exactly means in the business world? Focus can be explained as providing a fastidious part to consumers with a constricted choice of service to meet their needs. We come in contact with what we say service operations every day. We all are consumers or users of a broad choice of business and public services. Indeed numerous of us are liable for delivery services not only because of our jobs, in establishment such as firms, shops etc, other than also as routine of a daily like for people. Focused service operations are apprehensive through delivering services to the consumers or users of the service. It involves understanding the needs of your consumers; controlling the processes to delivering the services, and ensures your objectives are met adequately. Service then can be defined when the mixture of outcomes as well as experiences delivered to and receive by consumer. Customer thus judges the value of the service on understanding of th... Coca-Cola a leader in the soft drink market. REFERENCES Derek R. Allen , T. R. N. Rao (1959) Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Data Phillip Kotler, Gary Armstong , Veronica Wong, John Saunders. Principles of Marketing ( 5th edition). Principles of Marketing (PAGE 385) Philip Kotler (EDITED Jan 2008) Principles of Marketing (PAGE 385) Steve Brown, Kate Blackmon, Paul Cousins, Harry Maylor. (2001) . Operation Management: Policy, Practise and Performance Improvement. Stuart. Ed, Crainer, Des. Dearlove Handbook of Management (3rd Edition 1995). Financial Times Series (PAGE 354) Timothy Keiningham and Terry Vavra (Edited 1 Sep 2001). The Customer Delight Principles: Exceeding Customer’s Expectations for Bottom- line Success (PAGE 78) Zemke, Ron Woods, John A. (Edition 1999). Best Practices in Customer Service (PAGE 38) The Importance of Focus in the Business World Essay -- Business Admini Let’s say in today’s competitive surroundings, marketers are attracting more global dynamic, and consumer determined. Consumers are requesting more choice, with enhanced worth and service According to Treasy and Wiesema (1995) page 68, companies will do well to consider four market disciples. There are four fundamental service theory based upon levels of focus (market focused, service focused, market and service focused and lastly unfocused. This is where focussed service operation comes in. in this essay going to define and talk about focused service operations , and point up how the aim can be practical to get enhanced understanding and also on how to improve performance in service operations. I will also talk about customer Retention and Intermediaries. When we say focus what does it exactly means in the business world? Focus can be explained as providing a fastidious part to consumers with a constricted choice of service to meet their needs. We come in contact with what we say service operations every day. We all are consumers or users of a broad choice of business and public services. Indeed numerous of us are liable for delivery services not only because of our jobs, in establishment such as firms, shops etc, other than also as routine of a daily like for people. Focused service operations are apprehensive through delivering services to the consumers or users of the service. It involves understanding the needs of your consumers; controlling the processes to delivering the services, and ensures your objectives are met adequately. Service then can be defined when the mixture of outcomes as well as experiences delivered to and receive by consumer. Customer thus judges the value of the service on understanding of th... Coca-Cola a leader in the soft drink market. REFERENCES Derek R. Allen , T. R. N. Rao (1959) Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Data Phillip Kotler, Gary Armstong , Veronica Wong, John Saunders. Principles of Marketing ( 5th edition). Principles of Marketing (PAGE 385) Philip Kotler (EDITED Jan 2008) Principles of Marketing (PAGE 385) Steve Brown, Kate Blackmon, Paul Cousins, Harry Maylor. (2001) . Operation Management: Policy, Practise and Performance Improvement. Stuart. Ed, Crainer, Des. Dearlove Handbook of Management (3rd Edition 1995). Financial Times Series (PAGE 354) Timothy Keiningham and Terry Vavra (Edited 1 Sep 2001). The Customer Delight Principles: Exceeding Customer’s Expectations for Bottom- line Success (PAGE 78) Zemke, Ron Woods, John A. (Edition 1999). Best Practices in Customer Service (PAGE 38)

Friday, October 11, 2019

Final Corporate Enterprise

Enterprise architecture is a strategic planning model of an organization. It is an important foundation that has grown from the impact of globalization and modern market dynamics. It facilitates an organization streamline technological and Information Technology (IT) strategies achieve tangible synergies and value addition in its business. There are key steps, and milestones involved in the designing and implementation of this model from the corporate current state to a final corporate Enterprise Architecture (EA).The steps, standards and guidelines involved in the enterprise architecture process are discussed below. However every enterprise has its own unique characteristics meaning that there can be no particular model of enterprise architecture that suits all enterprises. The person responsible for the development of the enterprise architecture is the enterprise architect (Feurer, 2007). Step 1: Initiate the EA Program The involvement and approval of the management of the corporat ion bears a pivotal role in this process.Therefore the initial step would be to win the goodwill and commitment of the management team (Feurer, 2007). Step 2: Establish EA governance Effective governance demands a competent decision-making process that elaborately defines the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved in the process as well as the desired standards to be attained. Enterprise architecture governance has five fundamental viewpoints namely: organization and roles, processes, standards and templates, tools, and key performance indicators (KPIs).The responsibility of the enterprise architect will be to; define governance principles, integrating governance into the EA and identifying the relevant governance bodies to ensure the process complies with the defined EA principles (Feurer, 2007). Step 3: Define the Architectural Approach In this step the EA team defines the bridging strategy to close the gap between the current-state and the final-state.There are six ma jor tasks in this step; to understand and utilize the enterprises operating model, draw a basic core graphic representation of the organization’s operating model that depicts the desired state of the enterprise architecture (this may require a particular template ), definition of the utilization and scope of the EA-this should be in tandem with the organization’s strategic plan, collaborate with the various stakeholders of the organization by educating the stakeholders on the benefits of the EA, the identification of the most appropriate EA framework is done at this point and lastly, the implementation of the EA is bound to demand skills that may not be currently in the organization, therefore elaborate educational and skill enhancement programs are developed at this stage (Feurer, 2007). Step 4: Develop the EA In developing the final-state EA, the basic viewpoints will have to be clearly elaborated for the purpose of accomplishing the following; collecting information and developing an information resource base on enterprise architecture in order to develop appropriate EA products as well as carry out a gap analysis and design the way forward to the final-state, defining the final-state as it would be desired (the â€Å"to-be state), document the current-state. The current-state assessment document is meant to provide the necessary information to guide the strategy to the final-state (Cashman, 2005.p 8) (See a graphic representation of current-state assessment in appendix A). Also in this step the EA products should be reviewed and updated to comply with the desired state. This is jointly done with the subject matter experts (SMEs) (Feurer, 2007). The gaps between the current-state and final-state are analyzed with the help of a gap analysis. The way forward referred to as the â€Å"migration path† is planned. It will include a step by step process of movement from the current-state to the final-state with a focus on the resources requir ed. Finally the approval and publishing of the EA is done. Step 5: Use the EA The Enterprise architecture is used as a strategic planning model of an organization.It will provide a collaboration platform for the EA team and the people who will implement it. In this step there is the promotion of the use of EA, the utilization of EA in procurement of the appropriate technological infrastructure, and lastly the implementation of the Corporation’s projects by the use of EA. Step 6: Maintain the EA The EA should be assimilated in the dynamics of the corporation’s business. It should be periodically reviewed with the view to adapt the necessary changes. Conclusion The evolving of enterprise architecture is a major step in the growing opportunities for innovation in any organization that seeks to comply with the global standards.As much as EA enhances the corporate image of an organization it is paramount that the corporation shares the lessons learnt with other organization s (Feurer, 2007). Appendix A The graphic representation above shows the current state of ICT in an organization’s department under five separate but interrelated topics (Cashman,2005. p 3). References Cashman, T. (2005). Current State Assessment: ICT Strategy Project. Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources. Retrieved February 21, 2009 from http://www. dcenr. gov. ie/NR/rdonlyres/C7917512-C6D9-43AB-8FAF-75525AC353B0/0/ICTStrategyCurrentStateAssessment. pdf Feurer, S. , (2007). Putting the Enterprise Architect in Enterprise Architecture.SAP NetWeaver Magazine. Retrieved February 21, 2009 from http://www. netweavermagazine. com/archive/Volume_04_(2008)/Issue_01_(Winter)/v4i1a09. cfm? session Feurer, S. , (2009). Building an Agile Enterprise Architecture. SAP NetWeaver Magazine. Retrieved February 21, 2009 from http://www. sapnetweavermagazine. com/archive/Volume_03_(2007)/Issue_04_(Fall)/v3i4a12. cfm? session Kreizman, G. , & Robertson, B. , (2006). Incorpora ting security into the Enterprise Architecture Process. Retrieved February 21,2009 from http://egovstandards. gov. in/egs/eswg5/enterprise-architecture-working-group-folder/gartners-reports/incorporating_security_into__137028. pdf/download

Thursday, October 10, 2019


Shayna Powell GMO: Helpful or Harmful? The battle about genetically modified food is intensifying more and more each day as to whether it is doing more harm than good to the health of the environment and the general population. While there is some potential for a successful GMO world, there are far too many risks and safety factors involved. The factors include the unknown consequences of eating GMOs, the effect of genetic engineering on the environment and genetic diversity, and the massive amounts of herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides required in GMOs.These products are unsafe, unnatural, and have the potential to cause irreversible damage in the future. Others who disagree might argue that GMOs increase food supply, tolerance of harsh environmental conditions on crops, and pest and disease resistance. While these arguments may have some validity, the idea that these products can be very unsafe and damaging cannot be excused because of these pros. First, genetic engineering can reduce genetic diversity. Plants with reduced genetic diversity cannot handle drought, fungus, or pests as well as natural plants can.GMOs strengthen homogeneity and increase the vulnerability of crops to environmental changes. There is also a concern for the spread of altered genes to weeds and other wild relatives creating â€Å"super-weeds† that will be resistant to herbicides found in GMOs. This in turn would defeat the purpose of genetically engineering crops. In the end, the GM process will be more costly to farmers and agriculture itself. In addition, GMOs require massive amounts of herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides.According to Mark Anslow, Ecologist Editor, â€Å"no genetically modifies crop has yet eliminated the need for chemical fertilizers in order to achieve expected yields. † (Anslow, 464) Also, these chemicals are poisonous and should never be eaten. Why then would companies such as Syngenta and Monsanto find it safe for humans to ingest such pois on? Finally, the consequences of eating GM products are widely unknown. Experts say that 60 to 70 percent of processed foods have ingredients that have been genetically modified. That means that most breakfast cereals, snack foods, some baby foods, sodas and oils are being consumed without known risks.In addition, food items that contain GMOs are not labeled in America. According to Jeffrey Smith â€Å"altered nutrients and toxins can result in developmental problems. † (Smith, 471) This has resulted in the nutritional studies on young and developing animals. However humans are very different from animals and could have far different reactions than those shown form tests done on animals. In order to prevent future disasters, long-term studies of biotech foods should be conducted to determine long-term effects. In conclusion, too many risk factors exist for GMOs to be overlooked as a harmless biological advancement.Studies should be done overtime to reveal what effects genetic ally engineered food can have on the environment and the consumers in the future. While trying to make a â€Å"quick-fix† in the shortcoming of nature, responsible actions should be taken to ensure the safety and well-being of those partaking in the GMO movement. Works Cited Anslow, Mark. â€Å"Ten Reasons Why GM Won't Feed the World. † Good Reasons with Contemporary Arguments Smith, Jeffrey. â€Å"Another Reason for Schools to Ban Genetically Modified Foods† Good Reasons with Contemporary Arguments

Similarities in the Epic of Gilgamesh and Siddhartha as Portrayed by an Unknown Author and Herman Hesse

Similarities in The_ Epic of Gilgamesh_ and Siddhartha As portrayed by an unknown author and Herman Hesse Both Siddhartha and Gilgamesh believe in themselves, they do not let others define them or make decisions for them. Siddhartha demonstrates that he has strong will from the very beginning of the novel. He is taught by the Samana even though the teachings he received up to this point in his life say that the Samana’s wayis the wrong religion. â€Å"It is not fitting for a Brahmin to speak angry and violent words/But indignation moves my heart/I do not wish to hear that request a second time from your lips†(Hesse, 9). Siddhartha wants to make his own decision to study with the Samana, therefore, he needed to go against his father’s judgment and demand leave to travel with the Samana. This clearly shows Siddhartha’s strong will by wanting to study with the Samana strongly enough to disobey his father. Siddhartha also demonstrates determination when he does not fall prey to the temptations of Sublime ones teachings. Siddhartha believes you do not need a teacher or scriptures to be taught how to achieve Nirvana. He abandons the Buddha and also his friend with hope of finding the way to Nirvana on his own. Gilgamesh on the other hand is the ruler of Uruk. In order to be able to keep his people alive he needs to be level headed and strong willed. Gilgamesh is so strong willed he seems arrogant, he believes he is one of the Gods and immortal and forgets that he is only 2/3 God. The villagers of Uruk say that â€Å"[Gilgamesh’s] arrogance has no bounds by night or day†(tablet 1, 62). Although his strong will is mistaken for arrogance on numerous occasions, Gilgamesh changes through the course of the novel. After meeting Enkidu he seems less arrogant to the people of Uruk and becomes their hero. Gilgamesh’s strong will helps him through the trials he must face to reach immortality. He faces the battle with Hambaba, the death of his friend, he passes through the mountain pass, rows across the waters of death and then return to his people. Gilgamesh did not give up during his journey because he did not want to let the people of Uruk suffer an illfate. The thought of his people gives him courage and his strong will is what allows him to continue. Gilgamesh and Siddhartha are two men from different times but they still share the same quality of being strong willed. The importance of loyalty is conveyed through Siddhartha’s and Gilgamesh’sloyalty to their friends. Siddhartha is loyal to every person he meets during his journey, but his most trusted friend is Govinda. They start their journey together; Govinda is in love with Siddhartha and therefore follows all his wishes. After meeting the Sublime One Siddhartha feels as though he has wronged his friend by bringing him along on his journey, because they have not found Nirvana: Govinda, my friend, now you have taken this step, now you have chosen this path. Always, oh Govinda, you've been my friend, you've always walked one step behind me. Often I have thought: Won't Govinda for once also take a step by himself, without me, out of his own soul? Behold, now you've turned into a man and are choosing your path for yourself. I wish that you would go it up to its end, oh my friend, that you shall find salvation! Siddhartha wants only the best for his friend so he waits for Govinda to decide to leave him instead of sending him away. Siddhartha wishes Govinda well, even though he knows later on he will feel lonely without his friend. Siddhartha and Govinda meet each other after they depart on two other occasions. On each meeting they speak as though they had never left one another’s side. Friendship thus plays a key role in Siddhartha as well. Gilgamesh initially does not seem like a loyal person because of his arrogance, however, when he meets Enkidu, Gilgamesh becomes a loyal friend. At the beginning of their relationship, Gilgamesh’s loyalty seems questionable, but after the death of Enkidu the reader can see the great love he has for his friend. â€Å"[. . . ] seven days and seven nights he wept for Enkidu† (Tablet, 96). Following the death of his friend, despite Gilgamesh’s vow to walk with him in the neverlands (valley of death), he leaves on a journey to find immortality because he does not want his people to suffer the way he has. Despite his journey to find immortality Gilgamesh comes to realize that immortality will not bring his friend back from the dead. He discovers that he must live his life the way Enkidu would have wanted him to; without grief. Gilgamesh decides to stay loyal to his friend and walk in the neverlands with him after his own death. Gilgamesh and Siddhartha are loyal to their closest friends and they only wish the best for them. Through their loss they were able to achieve impossibilities. Siddhartha and Gilgamesh never truly experience grief until the death of the ones they love. Their experience with grief is similar because it helps them evolve as people and it changes their lives. After the death of Kamala, Siddhartha is enlightened and is able to experience the grief of this world as well as see the grief he inflicts on his father the day he leaves. Kamala’s death leaves Siddhartha with the responsibility of raising his son, who hates living as a ferryman. His son wants to return to the town but his father does not let him. â€Å"I hate you you’re not my father/even if you were her lover ten times over. † (Hesse,108). Siddhartha feels grief at that moment for not being loved by his son, but it is through grief that he can understand Nirvana. Gilgamesh has everything he has ever wanted and he has never had an occasion to understand or feel grief. He would have never felt grief if he did not enjoy the company of Enkidu. The death of Enkidu is the turning point in The Epic of Gilgamesh, because Gilgamesh, in order to forget his grief, sets out on his journey to find immortality, in his attempt to resurrect Enkidu, also to shelter his people from grief. For Gilgamesh and Siddhartha, grief is the turning point in their lives, because it helps them move forward. Siddhartha discovers Nirvana and Gilgamesh finds that you can’t escape reality with immortality. While writing Siddhartha and The_ Epic of _Gilgamesh the authors would have been influenced by the beliefs of the society in which they lived. Siddhartha follows the Buddhist belief that you can find Nirvana through teachings and meditation. Nirvana is a state of mind which is completely at peace and with complete clarity and lucidity without thoughts of volitional formation (Bhikkhu Bodhi). Herman Hesse wrote the novel Siddhartha during his time in India and China, where the central religion is Buddhism. It is unknown to this day who the author of The Epic of Gilgamesh really was. First the story was found on tablets years after it was written and secondly the tablets state that Gilgamesh himself had written the novel. The reason people do not believe it was Gilgamesh who wrote this novel is because it is written in the third person. But we do know that The Epic of Gilgamesh is influenced by the Babylonian’s beliefs of dream interpretation and the cosmic. Since the epic is found in Babylonian ruins, archeologists assume that the epic is written by the Babylonian’s who also believed in astrology. The novel states that it is written during the age of the Taurus, also Gilgamesh sacrifices a bull, which is a custom among the Babylonians (Tony Crisp). Both novels are influenced by the place they were written but also during the era they are written in. Siddhartha is written in 1922 by a German named Herman Hesse who studied the Buddhist religion during 1910-1922. Around the time that Hesse wrote Siddhartha, his wife was suffering from mental instabilities and his son was seriously ill. Hesse stayed positive and strived for spiritual self-realization. Hesse states that â€Å"There is no reality except the one contained within us†(Hesse, 1919), this is a concept found within the novel Siddhartha. The difficulties and trials Hesse has to face helped make his novel one that’s praised around the world. The Epic of Gilgamesh has no official author because it is written on stone tablets that were discovered in the mid nineteenth century by Austen Henry Layard. They believed the tablets to be written around 2000 BCE but the actualdate is still argued. The tablets were found in ancient Mesopotamia, where they discovered 12 incomplete tablets. More tablets with a Syrian script have been found as far away from Mesopotamia as Syria and Turkey. Richard Hines) Both novels were written as a work of fiction but in reality they are both written using the name of an actual historical figure. Siddhartha of Gautama is known as the â€Å"Awakened one† or the Buddha throughout Asia; Hesse’s story does not follow closely to that of the Buddha. The journey they follow is different but the path they take to find Nirvana is the same. They both end up finding Niravan through medi tation and self teachings. the tablets on which The Epic of Gilgamesh is written tell the true tale of the historical figure, Gilgamesh, fifth king of Uruk. Water is the sign of purity and rebirth, but in order to be reborn in water you must emerge from its’ depths. (Didier Coiffard) During Siddhartha’s attempt to escape his life as a merchant, he runs away and decides to commit suicide near a river bank. While under the water he sees the word OM in front of him and finds himself unable to commit suicide. He emerges from the water a renewed man with renewed knowledge. â€Å"The new Siddhartha felt a deep love for this flowing water and decided that he would not leave it again so quickly† (Hesse, 81). He then meets the ferryman and becomes his apprentice in order to study the water and relearn his skills as a Brahmin and Samana. Siddhartha learns to listen to the river and becomes friends with it. With the help of the ferryman and the river Siddhartha finds Nirvana. He also relearns his skills of fasting, thinking and waiting. It is with the help of the river that Siddhartha is able to become a renewed and awakened person. Gilgamesh was also fortunate enough to find rebirth near water. Gilgamesh ends his initial quest near the river of death and retrieves a magic plant. In order to reach the plant Gilgamesh needs to submerge himself in the river. Once he emerges from the water he finds new hope in the magic plant, knowing that he could help his city. On his way back to UrukGilgamesh falls asleep and a snake steals the magic plant. For whom have I labored? For whom have I journeyed? For whom have I suffered? I have gained absolutely nothing for myself, I have only profited the snake, the ground lion! Gilgamesh goes back to Uruk to be with his wife and children, he realizes that he is only human and will keep his promise with Enkidu and walk in the neverlands with him. Both Siddhartha and Gilgamesh follow higher powers during their lives. Buddhists do not believe in a high power so Siddhartha follows the idea of spiritual awakening and a spiritual leader within himself . Siddhartha hears from his spiritual being when he leaves the Buddha and meets a woman that he desires but â€Å"[. . . ] upon hearing his innermost voice, and the voice said, no† (Hesse, 47) He immediately gives up on the woman and leaves her. He hears from his guide more than once through his journey. He hears the voice at the river and sees the word OM which is what gives him emotionalstrength. Like Siddhartha, Gilgamesh also follows a spiritual guide except for Gilgamesh believes in the gods. Until having met Enkidu, Gilgamesh has given his respect to the gods by sacrificing women and animals as well as building temples and shrines. After meeting Enkidu, he takes his fate into his own hands and kills Hambaba, but Enkidu dies by the will of the gods because he was not suppose to kill Humbaba. Gilgamesh has been touched by the gods since birth as his father, Utnapishtim is a god, which would make him 2/3 God and 1/3 man. The lives of Siddhartha and Gilgamesh are touched by a spiritual presence that helps them through their journey to find the meaning of life. In the beginning Siddhartha and Gilgamesh do not understand the meaning of life because they have never experienced anything outside of their cities. Siddhartha does not understand all aspects of life and therefore cannot experience nirvana. So his spiritual voice sends him on a journey to find and experience life. Through his journey he finds that there is no such thing as time, â€Å"Nothing was, nothing will be, everything has reality and presence† (Hesse, 87). Without his journey into life he would have never found this wisdom and with knowing and understanding that time is irrelevant, he would have never found Nirvana. Gilgamesh is much like Siddhartha because he has not experienced anything outside of Uruk. After the death of Enkidu he realizes that he is not immortal and will die one day. This realization scares Gilgamesh so he sets out on his journey to find immortality. After meeting his father, Gilgamesh realizes that becoming immortal is impossible, so Gilgamesh acknowledges that one day he will die because he is only human. With this knowledge he goes back to Uruk and strives to be a good king for the rest of his life. Siddhartha learns that only through life experiences can the spiritual self be understood and Gilgamesh learns that even though one day everything will die, you have to do what youcan at the present time. Herman Hesse and the Babylonian text are stories that will always be loved by many readers. They are stories that can be passed down to future generations and taught for years to come because they show the true meaning of existence. Gilgamesh learns to appreciate his life as a human being as opposed to a god, and not wish for immortality. He also finds that he is only capable of so much. Siddhartha learns that life is meant to be experienced in order to find nirvana and be at complete peace. The stories tell the reader that they do not have to be perfect or have everything to be truly happy with the life they have. Siddhartha and Gilgamesh are two fictional characters very similar in nature, despite having been written in two different times; ancient history and the twentieth century. The morals and ideas that these books hold true to this day, in order to find our spiritual selves we need to go on a journey to the depths of our souls and find the peace with us. Tomb of Gilgamesh believed found. † BBC News. 23 April 2003. Water a source of inspiration. Cite expos l’eau pour tous. 9 January 2008. â€Å"Nirvana. † Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 7 January 2008 â€Å"Babylonian Dream Beliefs. † Dream Hawk. Mesopotamia. 6 June 1999. World Civilizations, Richard Hines. 8 January 2008 < http://w ww. wsu. edu/~dee/MESO/GILG. HTM> â€Å"Free Siddhartha Essays: Themes in Siddhartha. † 123HelpMe. com. 04 Jan 2008 http://www. 123HelpMe. com/view. asp? id=10368.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Advertising questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Advertising questions - Essay Example His other roles include finding an understanding of audience’s requirements and organizing meetings with the creative director. The art director works hand in hand with the copywriter (Mahon, 2010). This is because, a copywriter produces the words which accompany visual pictures developed by the art director. Work functions include; collaborating with copywriter to produce the best form of advertisements, providing briefs to other members in the creative team and editing the final piece. The position of an art director requires leadership skills. This is the ability to bring team members together for attaining set objectives. Also, he or she must be open-minded. This involves accepting other people’s ideas to develop quality advertisements. Similarly, art directors should be creative  ; ability to come up with and implement new ideas. Learning advertising improves my understanding of requirements in this sector, helping to create mutual existence in the organization. Moreover, the idea of advertising in my internship enabled learning of various organizational requirements for marketing function to operate as required. Expressing my ideas with the resume was quite a challenge for a variety of reasons. For one, required qualifications for internship did not match the content in the CV. Moreover, the recruitment agency advised that a CV should, in details, express direct contributions to organization’s success. The working process at Newad is efficient. Duties and responsibilities are well defined with no overlapping of duties. I would consider beginning my career in this organization as an art director. I have always had the passion to develop and innovating visual materials used in media advertising. Moreover, art directors in this company appear to love their job, and this is a

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Compare and contrast the glass-steagall act with the Essay

Compare and contrast the glass-steagall act with the gramm-leach-bliley act, also known as the citigroup relief act - Essay Example It removed barriers and obstacles that securities companies, banking companies, and insurance companies had to endure. In this paper, I will seek to compare and contrast the Glass-Steagall Act with the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, also known as the Citigroup Relief Act (White 3). To begin with, the Glass-Steagall Act prohibited all commercial banks from taking part in the issuance and flotation of securities. It remained unclear as to why the Congress decided to mandate this divorce but one thing is clear, it made the involvement of commercial banks in securitizing insurmountable burden. This came due to the dichotomy between and among the actual motivation behind Congress’ decision and the ostensible legislative intent. On the other part, enactment of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act revolutionized the circumstances since it repealed a section of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 whereby it did away with obstacles or barriers present in the market among insurance, securities, and banking companies. In other words, it relived these companies of any barrier that deterred any single firm from acting as a combination of a commercial bank, investment bank, and an insurance company (White 12). Secondly, a study conducted within almost three thousand banks in years between 1856 and 1936 proved that securities were not to blame for most of banks failure or collapse however; they were a particular hazard to banks. More intense studies revealed that the underwritten securities of commercial banks were actually of higher quality as opposed to the prior claim that the affiliate underwritings were of poor quality. The history of Glass-Steagall Act reflects the common notion that the possible underlying cause of the 1929 market crash came about because of using bank credit in excess to speculate stock market. Quiet a number o econometrics assert that what prompted the

Sunday, October 6, 2019

A Model for a State Surveillance and Militarization Essay

A Model for a State Surveillance and Militarization - Essay Example While this sounds to be very appealing for an effective and efficient state and government, this brings about the concern of the state as being totalitarian in nature. To maintain order in society, the government must keep close monitoring of its citizens and create a strong-armed force and police to defend that social order. The view of this form of state and society is very familiar to the totalitarian form government. State surveillance and a highly militarized state are, after all, distinct characteristics of nation or country under totalitarianism. The question that could be asked right now is whether Plato would support state surveillance and militarism based on his writings and ideas found in his work the Republic. Does this mean that Plato's ideal system of government curtails certain rights of citizens to maintain order and justice? Discussion of this matter will be discussed further in this paper with a few real-world examples of totalitarian states as references. At the same time, such examples will be analyzed and placed into context with Plato's idea of his Republic. With the ever-growing threat of terrorism, both internationally and locally homegrown, and the possibilities of uprisings or revolutions, it is not a surprise that many governments of the certain nations around the world have created their own state security agencies or organizations and highly strengthened military. There are various reasons as to why such state groups were set up by different national governments. Contemporary times and recent history shows that many governments have been very concerned and active when it comes to counter-insurgency and counter-revolutionary activities. It can also be considered that governments develop such organizations to prevent terrorist or revolutionary from even having the chance to form up.  

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Biomedical model of health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Biomedical model of health - Essay Example It assumes that illness is caused by abnormalities in the body functioning rather than any other external reasons. For example, many of the heart problems, type two diabetics etc are dependent on the person’s actions and beliefs according to this theory rather than any other factors. It mainly works on the physical processes, such as the pathology, the biochemistry and the physiology of a disease rather than the social or individual factors. Modern western medicine is accepted biomedical model as the base of their medical practices. This theory considers our body just like a machine. Like machine parts the damaged human parts needed to be repaired or replaced in order to keep a sound health. In short, western model of medicine claims that the only valid way of assessing a patient is through the biomedical model of health. This paper critically analyses the above claim The focus of biological model is on physical causes. It assumes that psychological and social process has not many connections with the disease process (Taylor, p.11). â€Å"Social and psychological factors might be accepted as being of interest, but not with regard to actual disease† (Brain, p.257) The doctor will ask the details of the disease and the patient will be advised to undergo lab tests to monitor temperature, pulse, blood pressure etc. Based on the lab results and biological etiologies, the physician will prescribe a medicinal plan for the patient (The Biopsychosocial Model of Health and Illness). Biomedical model of health believe that instead of combined performances, an individual’s body and mind may work independently and cause physical or mental problems to the person. For example, eating disorder is a major problem for many people. In this case, instead of any external factors, the psychological or mental factors are causing problems to the person. In other words the physical illness of eating disorder is caused by mental factors and medicines for the correction of the

Friday, October 4, 2019

Maternity Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Maternity - Article Example The physiological changes in pregnancy also influence the nutrition and pharmacological drugs in pregnancy. The article discusses physiological changes in pregnancy, pharmacokinetics in pregnancy, and the functions of the placenta (Sachdeva, Patel, & Pate, 2009). Pregnant women do not participate in medical trials since drugs taken during pregnancy may affect the fetus in adverse ways. The article notes that a pharmacological treatment is inevitable in pregnancy despite its eminent side effects. As such, the article defines how drugs affect the fetus and the categories of pharmacological drugs recommended for pregnancy by FDA. The categories include A, B, C, D and X where category A is the safest while category X is fatal in pregnancy (Sachdeva, Patel, & Pate, 2009). The article also demonstrates the risk of using social drugs like cigarette smoking, alcohol, caffeine, and illicit drugs during pregnancy (Sachdeva, Patel, & Pate, 2009). Ultimately, the article presents the concerns of using OTC drugs during pregnancy. I think the article is very relevant to the topic of nutrition and pharmacological drugs in pregnancy. Indeed, the article depicts seriousness in addressing the use of drugs during pregnancy by addressing the physiological changes in pregnancy and pharmacokinetics in pregnancy (Sachdeva, Patel, & Pate, 2009). The article confirms that a pharmacological treatment is inevitable in pregnancy despite the significant effects that pharmacological drugs have on a fetus and the pregnant woman. Indeed, the article depicts the significance of pharmacological therapy during pregnancy. Moreover, the article confirms that the placenta plays a noble role in guaranteeing nutrition and fetal and maternal well-being during pregnancy by presenting the functions of the placenta. The article succeeds in showing different categories of drugs and their effect on the fetus. The article is authoritative in that it refers to the recommendations of FDA that